natural values and important environmental problems in Röszke
and its neighborhood is a typically agricultural landscape with some really
valuable locally and regional protected areas, planted forests, trees,
with one backwater of the Tisza, cultivated grounds and farms. The surface
of the settlement is almost plain, but small sand-hills and deflation
hollows from northwest to southeast are determining.
The outer area of Röszke is 3363 hectars. At present 53 hectars,
altogehter 7 protected areas can be found there.
The national protected Kancsal-lake, Kisszéksós-lake, and
the locally protected Molnár-field, Börcsök-field and
Kancsal-field in connection with the Kancsal-lake, the Kóka-field,
and the Madarász lake which is between the Natura2000 protected
areas are in such deflation hollows. After the regulation of River Tisza,
by cutting this part of the river, the Gyálai Holt-Tisza came to
birth. It is worth to mention, that in some deflation hollows limestone
layers can be seen on the surfice (about 20-60 cm deep). There was only
a few precipitation in the last years, and it disappears immediately due
to the channels made from the 1960s. The natural values of Röszke
were not examined in the last few decades. They did not notice these,
and we try to compensate this by researches. By the surveys of our organisation
this situation has significantly changed nowadays.
of the area:
The significant and valuable vegetation of the deflation hollows are the
MOnilia fens(Succiso – Molinietum:Iris spuria, Orchis laxiflora
ssp. Palustris, Iris pumila, Dianthus superbus, Carex flacca, Thalictrum
lucidum, Deschampsia caespitosa, Cirsium brachycephalum...
Bird species:
Ardea cinerea, Ardea purpurea, Remiz pendulinus, Coracias garrulus, Alcedo
If you are interested
in our programs and our natural values, please do not hesitate and contact
us, and we can give you more informations even in English as well.